The Griddle

Puzzle #954: 2023 Enigmarch Days 4-7: Light, Gem, Mythical, Arrow

Posted March 15, 2023

Presenting my second batch of EnigMarch entries for 2023: Light, Gem, Mythical, and Arrow. Mythical was an abstract idea that I had for presenting a trivia problem in the form of an ICAL formatted event file, but I've drawn it up here in visual form for the PDF. I think the arrow puzzle has some potential for more iterations in the future, so do give me feedback if you agree.



Sam • 06/26/23 1:54 pm

Avatar of Sam

I don't understand the instructions for the arrow puzzle, because all the clue arrows point away from the grid. Help parsing the instructions would be appreciated!

David Millar • 06/29/23 10:21 am

Avatar of David Millar

Hey Sam, thanks for checking out my puzzles. I made an instructional graphic that I included on Instagram but neglected to include a copy in the PDF -- I'll try adding it later this week. It's at on the second slide.

Basically, you'll be placing arrows into the cells as well as number, so the clues correspond to the arrows within the grid in that row or column. For example, the 9 with the left arrow in the first row means that wherever the left arrow appears in row 1, the cells to the left of it sum to 9. Similarly, wherever the right arrow appears in row 1, everything to its right sums to 8.

I hope that helps, but if not I can try a different explanation or a walkthrough or something.

Sam • 06/29/23 7:33 pm

Avatar of Sam

Got it, thank you! I was able to do the puzzle now. Always amazing how relatively few clues can lead to a unique solution in these puzzles.

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