Posted November 30, 2015 • #advent2015 #story #sudoku #difference
Surprise! Two puzzles this year for the #PuzzleAdventCalendar - sudoku and story logic!
David Millar • 12/01/15 5:43 am
D'oh! Yes, that should be a five. It totally looked like a 6 in my tiny handwriting. Sorry about that.
David Millar • 12/01/15 6:00 am
...and fixed! Again, sorry about that.
sararielle • 07/15/23 7:06 pm
(I doubt anyone's still monitoring these comments but I have a question so I may as well ask. Not sure which day to put it on since it's an overall question.)
The way a logic path works it creates sets of information <gift giver, gift receiver, sweater pattern, etc>. A bunch of the clues talk about things like X person's last day. The problem is that a trait like "last day" doesn't clearly correspond to a particular person as the puzzle has both giver and receiver. How should those clues be interpreted?
David Millar • 07/15/23 7:13 pm
If I recall correctly, the intention was that it’s from the perspective of the Santa/gift-giver, and that the giftee is an attribute as is their last day in office. If that doesn’t seem correct, let me know and I’ll try to figure out what I was thinking at the time.
dreamer234 • 11/30/15 11:44 pm
Should the top right horizontal clue of Day 1's sudoku be a 5 rather than a 6? Otherwise there wants to be 3 cells that hold only 2 or 6.