The Griddle

Puzzle #740: 2013 Advent Day 3

Posted December 2, 2013

Ready for clue type number three? It's a set of difference clues! You should be able to fill a few cells in this one...



Trisana • 12/04/13 10:59 am

Avatar of Trisana

There's some really fun logic in this grid that appears to have let me solve it without needing information other than the pattern that the day's number is the middle square of the grid. :D

David Millar • 12/04/13 5:07 pm

Avatar of David Millar

The whole thing?! I may have been test-solving with my n00b hat on.

Trisana • 12/04/13 6:26 pm

Avatar of Trisana

Yes, the whole thing. It took a lot of scribbling on another sheet of paper, but I managed it. I'm waiting on a friend to try it to be sure I didn't assume the ability to solve something that wasn't actually there, though.

Erik07 • 12/04/13 9:08 pm

Avatar of Erik07

Me too, I came up with a possible answer on the 5x5 box number 3. Not sure if it is the correct one, though. :D

David Millar • 12/05/13 3:44 pm

Avatar of David Millar

Is it entirely solvable on its own, or does it require any hints from over in box 1?

Erik07 • 12/05/13 7:26 pm

Avatar of Erik07

For me, I just needed the 18, 5, and 6 on the third row to eliminate some possible answers.
I haven't written anything on box 1 yet. :D
Not sure if Trisana did a different approach, though.

Trisana • 12/06/13 6:39 pm

Avatar of Trisana

I didn't have any hints from day 1; the only external hints I used were the fact that the center box of each grid is the day it'll be posted on...

joshuazucker • 12/07/13 5:01 pm

Avatar of joshuazucker

Yup, I got an answer here after checking a moderately-sized list of cases, using only the given center cells in the rest of the grid.

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