Posted December 21, 2012 • #advent2012 #areafiftyone #slitherlink #masyu #corral
The world hasn't ended, and neither has the Advent Calendar. Here's the next tile!
puzzlescot • 12/22/12 2:49 am
8: ... and the 2 in col 2.
David Millar • 12/22/12 8:19 pm
I didn't try to optimize this puzzle at all. I could say that I was trying to leave redundant clues so it would be easier for all attempting it during the holidays, but really I was just lazy.
puzzlescot • 12/22/12 2:47 am
After yesterday's comment, I thought I'd see how many of today's clues were 'unnecessary'.
I count 7: All white maysu clues, except the left of the TL black masyu; the alien face, and the '1' in the BL corner. If you haven't done today's yet - see if you can solve it without transcribing these 7 clues.