Posted October 4, 2011 • #sudoku #consecutive #overlap #gtlt
Greater-than and less-than symbols meet consecutive pair markers in these medium-sized overlapping sudoku puzzles.
David Millar • 10/10/11 6:23 pm
Always good to hear from you, Joshua!
You're right on both items. That, and "Overlapping 7x7 Latin Squares" wouldn't fit in the title area on the puzzle sheet. But technically, yes, they're latin squares. I have another set of puzzles nearly ready to post, and they do have the added jigsaw/shape constraint, and so can be called sudoku. Watch for those in the next day or two!
Joshua Zucker • 10/10/11 3:01 pm
These aren't sudoku, they're latin squares! You need to have some jigsaw or other regions to give a third constraint on each space for them to be sudoku.
Yeah, I know, people won't recognize them unless you call them sudoku.