Posted September 1, 2011 • #gridfill #chunktastic #chunkword
Grid fill gets chunky in this puzzle where some squares feature double letters.
David Millar • 09/05/11 12:39 pm
Thanks for commenting M3Mph15. Your writing is fine - not confusing at all - and the things you've found are indeed mistakes.
The line was a mistake as I wasn't sure if I was going to include that small word in the final puzzle, and the U was probably a typo because I wrote the L and I close together and it looked like a U at the time I was drawing the puzzle to post. I've corrected them and uploaded the new PDF.
I'm glad you really liked the puzzle. I made 3 grids of this type, so there's a good chance I'll be posting two more of this type fairly soon.
M3Mph15 • 09/05/11 12:20 pm
I really liked the puzzle, but I might have spotted 2 errors(at least if my solution is correct):
1) I think the line separating the top left field of the grid from the one below it doesn't belong there or one of the three letter down words can't be found in the grid.
2) In the second 3x2 block from the bottom of the left row is a typo. I think it should read VI/O/LI instead of VI/O/U
I hope my writing is not to confusing since English is not my mother tongue. Anyways, keep up the great work. It's always a pleasure to solve your puzzles.