Posted February 4, 2011 • #slitherlink #trees
In these slitherlink variants, start by making sure the trees are outside the loop. Once you get to the last 2 puzzles, you'll have to make sure your loop visits every intersection in the grid too!
David Millar • 03/11/11 1:15 pm
Hi Tanfasie. I draw my slitherlink puzzles a little differently than the standard method. Most use dots instead of plus sign intersections. So I suppose with a standard slitherlink a better description would be 'every dot must be visited'. Does that make sense?
Tanfasie • 03/18/11 12:05 pm
Yes, thank you, it's clear now :-)
Tanfasie • 03/11/11 10:19 am
Hi David. I don't understand what "every intersection in the grid must be visited" means in the context of this puzzle. Is it possible to have some more explanations? Thanks a lot!