Posted December 20, 2010 • #trapdoor #shapely
This Trapdoor Challenge consists of classic shapely squares puzzle with a Decrypt the Signal theme!
David Millar • 12/26/10 8:03 pm
Thanks for the tip Michael. An additional clue has been added that should make the puzzle uniquely solvable now.
Michael Chandra • 12/21/10 9:24 pm
Could be wrong but I think the star can be either 2 or 3, with the empty square 2 left of it being either 1 or 0?
Everything seems to be following the rules so yeah, seems that place has multiple solutions.
Rather logical since the blank square has no impact on the star, so if the heart left from the star isn't equal to (the diamond right of it -2), the star has freedom of value. With both diamonds near the star being 9 by definition, the hearts are either 1/9 or 6/4, 1/9 fails due to the way the bottom rows work out, so 6/4 leaves 1/2 or 0/3 for the blank square and star.