Posted August 27, 2010 • #slitherlink #shotgun
Two more slitherlink and masyu mashups await in this puzzle sheet!
David Millar • 08/30/10 10:03 pm
Hey Josh. Glad you enjoyed these puzzles.
For the date situation: these and the other set were both posted August 27th (one would've been 26th had I had more time) but Feedburner only sends out an email once per day at about 9 AM my local time, so you may have received the email update on the 28th.
I'm still trying to play catchup and hammer my schedule back into shape, but please let me know if anything else seems off or if you have any puzzle requests!
Joshua Zucker • 08/30/10 6:24 pm
I like the shotgun slitherlink! Masyu is one of my favorite types, and I'm really bad at slitherlink and trying to get better, so this is a great collection of puzzles for me to work on.
Today's puzzles, and tomorrow's too, have Aug 27 as their date: probably you forgot to change it when you copied the template.