The Griddle

Puzzle #513: Equation Sudoku

Posted July 11, 2010

In this sudoku set, use the symbols and place digits to create the given answer.



Gary • 07/13/10 6:33 am

Avatar of Gary

Could you check the top center puzzle? On the top line I can not find two factors of 708 that will work.
After solving the rest of the puzzle I get

3 x 514 x 2 = 3084

Also the bottom line of the first puzzle on the second row I get

14 - 3 + 25 = 36, not 8

David Millar • 07/13/10 9:37 am

Avatar of David Millar

Thanks for the comment Gary. The first puzzle in row 2 is missing a minus sign that gives the proper answer. I'll fix that shortly.

As for the first puzzle, I have a valid answer. I'll e-mail what I have for the top row as the intended answer and if there's still an issue I'll look into the puzzle further.

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