The Griddle

Puzzle #788: 2014 Advent Day12

Posted December 12, 2014

I'm stuck in a rut called NumCross, and this most certainly won't be the last one. Hope you enjoy this numeric twist on the crossword!



dreamer234 • 12/20/14 10:58 am

Avatar of dreamer234

Hey Dave, Could you check out this puzzle? For A across the solution is a three digit number which is the sum of 2 two-digit numbers. So the first number must be a 1. But A down is a three digit number which is the sum of another three digit number plus 104. This is a contradiction as the first digit of A down is already established as a 1.

David Millar • 12/21/14 1:54 pm

Avatar of David Millar

Hey Nancy, my local copy is showing that A Across is clued as Q Across x (times) II Across. Can you verify that your copy has a plus sign?

dreamer234 • 12/21/14 2:41 pm

Avatar of dreamer234

You are correct, my copy shows multiply. I wonder how many. times I looked at that and still read it as a plus. I know the CrossSum puzzles cause me problems, I think this shows why.... Maybe dyslexia????

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